home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #define LIBRARIES_ASL_H 1
- /*
- ** asl.h for ACE Basic
- **
- ** Note: Translated to ACE by ConvertC2ACE
- ** @ MapMeadow Software, Nils Sjoholm
- **
- **
- ** Date: 09/01/95
- **
- **
- */
- /*
- ** This are the StructPointer defines for asl.h
- */
- #ifndef DisplayModePtr
- #define DisplayModePtr ADDRESS
- #endif
- #ifndef FileRequesterPtr
- #define FileRequesterPtr ADDRESS
- #endif
- #ifndef FontRequesterPtr
- #define FontRequesterPtr ADDRESS
- #endif
- #ifndef ScreenModeRequesterPtr
- #define ScreenModeRequesterPtr ADDRESS
- #endif
- /*
- ** End of StructPointer defines for asl.h
- */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #ifndef EXEC_TYPES_H
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef EXEC_NODES_H
- #include <exec/nodes.h>
- #endif
- #include <utility/tagitem.h>
- #endif
- #include <workbench/startup.h>
- #endif
- #include <graphics/text.h>
- #endif
- #include <graphics/displayinfo.h>
- #endif
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #define AslName "asl.library"
- #define ASL_TB (TAG_USER+&H80000)
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* Types of requesters known to ASL, used as arguments to AllocAslRequest() */
- #define ASL_FileRequest 0
- #define ASL_FontRequest 1
- #define ASL_ScreenModeRequest 2
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * ASL File Requester data structures and constants
- *
- * This structure must only be allocated by asl.library amd is READ-ONLY!
- * Control of the various fields is provided via tags when the requester
- * is created with AllocAslRequest() and when it is displayed via
- * AslRequest()
- */
- STRUCT FileRequester
- STRING fr_Reserved0 SIZE 4
- ADDRESS fr_File /* Contents of File gadget on exit */
- ADDRESS fr_Drawer /* Contents of Drawer gadget on exit */
- STRING fr_Reserved1 SIZE 10
- SHORTINT fr_LeftEdge /* Coordinates of requester on exit */
- SHORTINT fr_TopEdge
- SHORTINT fr_Width
- SHORTINT fr_Height
- STRING fr_Reserved2 SIZE 2
- LONGINT fr_NumArgs /* Number of files selected */
- WBArgPtr fr_ArgList /* List of files selected */
- ADDRESS fr_UserData /* You can store your own data here */
- STRING fr_Reserved3 SIZE 8
- ADDRESS fr_Pattern /* Contents of Pattern gadget on exit */
- /* File requester tag values, used by AllocAslRequest() and AslRequest() */
- /* Window control */
- #define ASLFR_Window ASL_TB+2 /* Parent window */
- #define ASLFR_Screen ASL_TB+40 /* Screen to open on if no window */
- #define ASLFR_PubScreenName ASL_TB+41 /* Name of public screen */
- #define ASLFR_PrivateIDCMP ASL_TB+42 /* Allocate private IDCMP? */
- #define ASLFR_IntuiMsgFunc ASL_TB+70 /* Function to handle IntuiMessages */
- #define ASLFR_SleepWindow ASL_TB+43 /* Block input in ASLFR_Window? */
- #define ASLFR_UserData ASL_TB+52 /* What to put in fr_UserData */
- /* Text display */
- #define ASLFR_TextAttr ASL_TB+51 /* Text font to use for gadget text */
- #define ASLFR_Locale ASL_TB+50 /* Locale ASL should use for text */
- #define ASLFR_TitleText ASL_TB+1 /* Title of requester */
- #define ASLFR_PositiveText ASL_TB+18 /* Positive gadget text */
- #define ASLFR_NegativeText ASL_TB+19 /* Negative gadget text */
- /* Initial settings */
- #define ASLFR_InitialLeftEdge ASL_TB+3 /* Initial requester coordinates */
- #define ASLFR_InitialTopEdge ASL_TB+4
- #define ASLFR_InitialWidth ASL_TB+5 /* Initial requester dimensions */
- #define ASLFR_InitialHeight ASL_TB+6
- #define ASLFR_InitialFile ASL_TB+8 /* Initial contents of File gadget */
- #define ASLFR_InitialDrawer ASL_TB+9 /* Initial contents of Drawer gadg. */
- #define ASLFR_InitialPattern ASL_TB+10 /* Initial contents of Pattern gadg.*/
- /* Options */
- #define ASLFR_Flags1 ASL_TB+20 /* Option flags */
- #define ASLFR_Flags2 ASL_TB+22 /* Additional option flags */
- #define ASLFR_DoSaveMode ASL_TB+44 /* Being used for saving? */
- #define ASLFR_DoMultiSelect ASL_TB+45 /* Do multi-select? */
- #define ASLFR_DoPatterns ASL_TB+46 /* Display a Pattern gadget? */
- /* Filtering */
- #define ASLFR_DrawersOnly ASL_TB+47 /* Don't display files? */
- #define ASLFR_FilterFunc ASL_TB+49 /* Function to filter files */
- #define ASLFR_RejectIcons ASL_TB+60 /* Display .info files? */
- #define ASLFR_RejectPattern ASL_TB+61 /* Don't display files matching pat */
- #define ASLFR_AcceptPattern ASL_TB+62 /* Accept only files matching pat */
- #define ASLFR_FilterDrawers ASL_TB+63 /* Also filter drawers with patterns*/
- #define ASLFR_HookFunc ASL_TB+7 /* Combined callback function */
- /* Flag bits for the ASLFR_Flags1 tag */
- #define FRB_FILTERFUNC 7
- #define FRB_INTUIFUNC 6
- #define FRB_DOSAVEMODE 5
- #define FRB_DOPATTERNS 0
- #define FRF_FILTERFUNC (128&)
- #define FRF_INTUIFUNC (64&)
- #define FRF_DOSAVEMODE (32&)
- #define FRF_PRIVATEIDCMP (16&)
- #define FRF_DOMULTISELECT (8&)
- #define FRF_DOPATTERNS (1&)
- /* Flag bits for the ASLFR_Flags2 tag */
- #define FRF_DRAWERSONLY (1&)
- #define FRF_FILTERDRAWERS (2&)
- #define FRF_REJECTICONS (4&)
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * ASL Font Requester data structures and constants
- *
- * This structure must only be allocated by asl.library amd is READ-ONLY!
- * Control of the various fields is provided via tags when the requester
- * is created with AllocAslRequest() and when it is displayed via
- * AslRequest()
- */
- STRUCT FontRequester
- STRING fo_Reserved0 SIZE 8
- TextAttr fo_Attr /* Returned TextAttr */
- BYTE fo_FrontPen /* Returned front pen */
- BYTE fo_BackPen /* Returned back pen */
- BYTE fo_DrawMode /* Returned drawing mode */
- BYTE fo_Reserved1
- ADDRESS fo_UserData /* You can store your own data here */
- SHORTINT fo_LeftEdge /* Coordinates of requester on exit */
- SHORTINT fo_TopEdge
- SHORTINT fo_Width
- SHORTINT fo_Height
- TTextAttr fo_TAttr /* Returned TTextAttr */
- /* Font requester tag values, used by AllocAslRequest() and AslRequest() */
- /* Window control */
- #define ASLFO_Window ASL_TB+2 /* Parent window */
- #define ASLFO_Screen ASL_TB+40 /* Screen to open on if no window */
- #define ASLFO_PubScreenName ASL_TB+41 /* Name of public screen */
- #define ASLFO_PrivateIDCMP ASL_TB+42 /* Allocate private IDCMP? */
- #define ASLFO_IntuiMsgFunc ASL_TB+70 /* Function to handle IntuiMessages */
- #define ASLFO_SleepWindow ASL_TB+43 /* Block input in ASLFO_Window? */
- #define ASLFO_UserData ASL_TB+52 /* What to put in fo_UserData */
- /* Text display */
- #define ASLFO_TextAttr ASL_TB+51 /* Text font to use for gadget text */
- #define ASLFO_Locale ASL_TB+50 /* Locale ASL should use for text */
- #define ASLFO_TitleText ASL_TB+1 /* Title of requester */
- #define ASLFO_PositiveText ASL_TB+18 /* Positive gadget text */
- #define ASLFO_NegativeText ASL_TB+19 /* Negative gadget text */
- /* Initial settings */
- #define ASLFO_InitialLeftEdge ASL_TB+3 /* Initial requester coordinates */
- #define ASLFO_InitialTopEdge ASL_TB+4
- #define ASLFO_InitialWidth ASL_TB+5 /* Initial requester dimensions */
- #define ASLFO_InitialHeight ASL_TB+6
- #define ASLFO_InitialName ASL_TB+10 /* Initial contents of Name gadget */
- #define ASLFO_InitialSize ASL_TB+11 /* Initial contents of Size gadget */
- #define ASLFO_InitialStyle ASL_TB+12 /* Initial font style */
- #define ASLFO_InitialFlags ASL_TB+13 /* Initial font flags for TextAttr */
- #define ASLFO_InitialFrontPen ASL_TB+14 /* Initial front pen */
- #define ASLFO_InitialBackPen ASL_TB+15 /* Initial back pen */
- #define ASLFO_InitialDrawMode ASL_TB+59 /* Initial draw mode */
- /* Options */
- #define ASLFO_Flags ASL_TB+20 /* Option flags */
- #define ASLFO_DoFrontPen ASL_TB+44 /* Display Front color selector? */
- #define ASLFO_DoBackPen ASL_TB+45 /* Display Back color selector? */
- #define ASLFO_DoStyle ASL_TB+46 /* Display Style checkboxes? */
- #define ASLFO_DoDrawMode ASL_TB+47 /* Display DrawMode cycle gadget? */
- /* Filtering */
- #define ASLFO_FixedWidthOnly ASL_TB+48 /* Only allow fixed-width fonts? */
- #define ASLFO_MinHeight ASL_TB+16 /* Minimum font height to display */
- #define ASLFO_MaxHeight ASL_TB+17 /* Maximum font height to display */
- #define ASLFO_FilterFunc ASL_TB+49 /* Function to filter fonts */
- #define ASLFO_HookFunc ASL_TB+7 /* Combined callback function */
- #define ASLFO_MaxFrontPen ASL_TB+66 /* Max # of colors in front palette */
- #define ASLFO_MaxBackPen ASL_TB+67 /* Max # of colors in back palette */
- /* Custom additions */
- #define ASLFO_ModeList ASL_TB+21 /* Substitute list for drawmodes */
- #define ASLFO_FrontPens ASL_TB+64 /* Color table for front pen palette*/
- #define ASLFO_BackPens ASL_TB+65 /* Color table for back pen palette */
- /* Flag bits for ASLFO_Flags tag */
- #define FOB_DOFRONTPEN 0
- #define FOB_DOBACKPEN 1
- #define FOB_DOSTYLE 2
- #define FOB_DODRAWMODE 3
- #define FOB_INTUIFUNC 6
- #define FOB_FILTERFUNC 7
- #define FOF_DOFRONTPEN (1&)
- #define FOF_DOBACKPEN (2&)
- #define FOF_DOSTYLE (4&)
- #define FOF_DODRAWMODE (8&)
- #define FOF_FIXEDWIDTHONLY (16&)
- #define FOF_PRIVATEIDCMP (32&)
- #define FOF_INTUIFUNC (64&)
- #define FOF_FILTERFUNC (128&)
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * ASL Screen Mode Requester data structures and constants
- *
- * This structure must only be allocated by asl.library and is READ-ONLY!
- * Control of the various fields is provided via tags when the requester
- * is created with AllocAslRequest() and when it is displayed via
- * AslRequest()
- */
- STRUCT ScreenModeRequester
- LONGINT sm_DisplayID /* Display mode ID */
- LONGINT sm_DisplayWidth /* Width of display in pixels */
- LONGINT sm_DisplayHeight /* Height of display in pixels */
- SHORTINT sm_DisplayDepth /* Number of bit-planes of display */
- SHORTINT sm_OverscanType /* Type of overscan of display */
- SHORTINT sm_AutoScroll /* Display should auto-scroll? */
- LONGINT sm_BitMapWidth /* Used to create your own BitMap */
- LONGINT sm_BitMapHeight
- SHORTINT sm_LeftEdge /* Coordinates of requester on exit */
- SHORTINT sm_TopEdge
- SHORTINT sm_Width
- SHORTINT sm_Height
- SHORTINT sm_InfoOpened /* Info window opened on exit? */
- SHORTINT sm_InfoLeftEdge /* Last coordinates of Info window */
- SHORTINT sm_InfoTopEdge
- SHORTINT sm_InfoWidth
- SHORTINT sm_InfoHeight
- ADDRESS sm_UserData /* You can store your own data here */
- /* An Exec list of custom modes can be added to the list of available modes.
- * The DimensionInfo structure must be completely initialized, including the
- * Header. See <graphics/displayinfo.h>. Custom mode ID's must be in the range
- * &HFFFF0000..&HFFFFFFFF. Regular properties which apply to your custom modes
- * can be added in the dn_PropertyFlags field. Custom properties are not
- * allowed.
- */
- STRUCT DisplayMode
- Node dm_Node /* see ln_Name */
- DimensionInfo dm_DimensionInfo /* mode description */
- LONGINT dm_PropertyFlags /* applicable properties */
- /* ScreenMode requester tag values, used by AllocAslRequest() and AslRequest() */
- /* Window control */
- #define ASLSM_Window ASL_TB+2 /* Parent window */
- #define ASLSM_Screen ASL_TB+40 /* Screen to open on if no window */
- #define ASLSM_PubScreenName ASL_TB+41 /* Name of public screen */
- #define ASLSM_PrivateIDCMP ASL_TB+42 /* Allocate private IDCMP? */
- #define ASLSM_IntuiMsgFunc ASL_TB+70 /* Function to handle IntuiMessages */
- #define ASLSM_SleepWindow ASL_TB+43 /* Block input in ASLSM_Window? */
- #define ASLSM_UserData ASL_TB+52 /* What to put in sm_UserData */
- /* Text display */
- #define ASLSM_TextAttr ASL_TB+51 /* Text font to use for gadget text */
- #define ASLSM_Locale ASL_TB+50 /* Locale ASL should use for text */
- #define ASLSM_TitleText ASL_TB+1 /* Title of requester */
- #define ASLSM_PositiveText ASL_TB+18 /* Positive gadget text */
- #define ASLSM_NegativeText ASL_TB+19 /* Negative gadget text */
- /* Initial settings */
- #define ASLSM_InitialLeftEdge ASL_TB+3 /* Initial requester coordinates */
- #define ASLSM_InitialTopEdge ASL_TB+4
- #define ASLSM_InitialWidth ASL_TB+5 /* Initial requester dimensions */
- #define ASLSM_InitialHeight ASL_TB+6
- #define ASLSM_InitialDisplayID ASL_TB+100 /* Initial display mode id */
- #define ASLSM_InitialDisplayWidth ASL_TB+101 /* Initial display width */
- #define ASLSM_InitialDisplayHeight ASL_TB+102 /* Initial display height */
- #define ASLSM_InitialDisplayDepth ASL_TB+103 /* Initial display depth */
- #define ASLSM_InitialOverscanType ASL_TB+104 /* Initial type of overscan */
- #define ASLSM_InitialAutoScroll ASL_TB+105 /* Initial autoscroll setting */
- #define ASLSM_InitialInfoOpened ASL_TB+106 /* Info wndw initially opened? */
- #define ASLSM_InitialInfoLeftEdge ASL_TB+107 /* Initial Info window coords. */
- #define ASLSM_InitialInfoTopEdge ASL_TB+108
- /* Options */
- #define ASLSM_DoWidth ASL_TB+109 /* Display Width gadget? */
- #define ASLSM_DoHeight ASL_TB+110 /* Display Height gadget? */
- #define ASLSM_DoDepth ASL_TB+111 /* Display Depth gadget? */
- #define ASLSM_DoOverscanType ASL_TB+112 /* Display Overscan Type gadget? */
- #define ASLSM_DoAutoScroll ASL_TB+113 /* Display AutoScroll gadget? */
- /* Filtering */
- #define ASLSM_PropertyFlags ASL_TB+114 /* Must have these Property flags */
- #define ASLSM_PropertyMask ASL_TB+115 /* Only these should be looked at */
- #define ASLSM_MinWidth ASL_TB+116 /* Minimum display width to allow */
- #define ASLSM_MaxWidth ASL_TB+117 /* Maximum display width to allow */
- #define ASLSM_MinHeight ASL_TB+118 /* Minimum display height to allow */
- #define ASLSM_MaxHeight ASL_TB+119 /* Maximum display height to allow */
- #define ASLSM_MinDepth ASL_TB+120 /* Minimum display depth */
- #define ASLSM_MaxDepth ASL_TB+121 /* Maximum display depth */
- #define ASLSM_FilterFunc ASL_TB+122 /* Function to filter mode id's */
- /* Custom additions */
- #define ASLSM_CustomSMList ASL_TB+123 /* Exec list of STRUCT DisplayMode */
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * Obsolete ASL definitions, here for source code compatibility only.
- * Please do NOT use in new code.
- *
- * #define ASL_V38_NAMES_ONLY to remove these older names
- */
- #ifndef ASL_V38_NAMES_ONLY
- #define rf_File fr_File
- #define rf_Dir fr_Drawer
- #define rf_LeftEdge fr_LeftEdge
- #define rf_TopEdge fr_TopEdge
- #define rf_Width fr_Width
- #define rf_Height fr_Height
- #define rf_NumArgs fr_NumArgs
- #define rf_ArgList fr_ArgList
- #define rf_UserData fr_UserData
- #define rf_Pat fr_Pattern
- #define ASL_Dummy (TAG_USER + &H80000)
- #define ASL_Hail ASL_Dummy+1
- #define ASL_Window ASL_Dummy+2
- #define ASL_LeftEdge ASL_Dummy+3
- #define ASL_TopEdge ASL_Dummy+4
- #define ASL_Width ASL_Dummy+5
- #define ASL_Height ASL_Dummy+6
- #define ASL_HookFunc ASL_Dummy+7
- #define ASL_File ASL_Dummy+8
- #define ASL_Dir ASL_Dummy+9
- #define ASL_FontName ASL_Dummy+10
- #define ASL_FontHeight ASL_Dummy+11
- #define ASL_FontStyles ASL_Dummy+12
- #define ASL_FontFlags ASL_Dummy+13
- #define ASL_FrontPen ASL_Dummy+14
- #define ASL_BackPen ASL_Dummy+15
- #define ASL_MinHeight ASL_Dummy+16
- #define ASL_MaxHeight ASL_Dummy+17
- #define ASL_OKText ASL_Dummy+18
- #define ASL_CancelText ASL_Dummy+19
- #define ASL_FuncFlags ASL_Dummy+20
- #define ASL_ModeList ASL_Dummy+21
- #define ASL_ExtFlags1 ASL_Dummy+22
- #define ASL_Pattern ASL_FontName
- /* remember what I said up there? Do not use these anymore! */
- #define FILB_SAVE 5L
- #define FILB_NEWIDCMP 4L
- #define FILB_PATGAD 0L
- #define FILF_DOWILDFUNC (128&)
- #define FILF_DOMSGFUNC (64&)
- #define FILF_SAVE (32&)
- #define FILF_NEWIDCMP (16&)
- #define FILF_MULTISELECT (8&)
- #define FILF_PATGAD (1&)
- #define FIL1B_NOFILES 0L
- #define FIL1B_MATCHDIRS 1L
- #define FIL1F_NOFILES (1&)
- #define FIL1F_MATCHDIRS (2&)
- #define FONB_BACKCOLOR 1
- #define FONB_STYLES 2
- #define FONB_DRAWMODE 3
- #define FONB_NEWIDCMP 5
- #define FONB_DOMSGFUNC 6
- #define FONF_FRONTCOLOR (1&)
- #define FONF_BACKCOLOR (2&)
- #define FONF_STYLES (4&)
- #define FONF_DRAWMODE (8&)
- #define FONF_FIXEDWIDTH (16&)
- #define FONF_NEWIDCMP (32&)
- #define FONF_DOMSGFUNC (64&)
- #define FONF_DOWILDFUNC (128)
- #endif
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #endif /* LIBRARIES_ASL_H */